Common Construction Injuries Eligible for Workers’ Compensation in California

Common Construction Injuries Eligible for Workers’ Compensation in California

construction injuries eligible for workers compensation in California

Construction sites are risky places to work. There are lots of ways workers can get injured. Accidents happen quickly and can cause severe injuries. Do you work construction in the construction industry in California? Did you sustain an injury on the job? If that is the case, you might be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. This program covers many common construction injuries.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Falls are one of the biggest dangers for construction workers. They can happen from slippery floors, uneven ground, or working up high. A fall can cause broken bones, muscle injuries, head injuries, or even spine damage.

If you get injured from a fall at a construction site, workers’ compensation can assist. It can pay for your medical care, missed paychecks, and any therapy you need to recover.

Struck by Objects

Construction sites have many things that can fall on workers, including tools, materials, and debris. A falling object can cause head trauma, broken bones, and muscle damage. No one wants to get hurt by something falling at a construction site. If it happens, workers’ compensation can help pay for your treatment and time off work while you recover.

Caught In-Between or Crushing Injuries

Trench collapses, equipment malfunctions, and confined spaces pose risks for crush injuries. These injuries can be devastating, damaging bones, muscles, and internal organs. Workers’ compensation provides crucial financial support for medical care. It may also cover lost wages if you sustain a crushing injury.

Overexertion and Repetitive Stress

Construction work is tough on the body. Lifting heavy things, repeating the same motions, and working in awkward positions can strain your body. Over time, this can lead to injuries, such as pain in your muscles, tendons, and joints.

Examples are carpal tunnel, back pain, and shoulder injuries. If an overexertion injury makes working difficult, workers’ compensation helps pay for treatment and covers missed paychecks while you recover.

Electrical Shocks

Electrical hazards are a serious concern in construction. Touching live wires can cause bad burns, hurt your muscles, and even stop your heart. Workers’ compensation can help cover the extensive medical bills associated with electrical injuries and support your financial recovery.

Exposure to Hazardous Substances

Construction workers risk exposure to dust, fumes, and other harmful substances. This exposure can lead to respiratory problems, skin irritation, and long-term health issues. If you develop a condition due to exposure hazards, workers’ compensation can provide medical treatment coverage and support if you cannot return to work.

This Is Not an Exhaustive List

We have covered some of California’s most common construction injuries that are eligible for workers’ compensation. Yet, this is not an exhaustive list. If you sustain any injury on the job, regardless of the type, report it to your supervisor immediately and seek medical attention. Many workplace injuries qualify for workers’ compensation benefits.

Know Your Rights

Feel free to seek assistance if you need clarification on whether your injury qualifies for workers’ compensation. Consult a workers’ compensation attorney or your employer’s human resources department. They will help you through the process and ensure you know your rights as a worker who got hurt.

The Importance of Safety

Workers’ compensation can provide crucial support after an injury. Preventing accidents should always be the top priority. Construction companies have a legal obligation to maintain a safe work environment. Follow all safety protocols, use proper equipment, and promptly report any hazardous conditions to your supervisor.

Construction work is inherently dangerous; you should not suffer financially from a workplace injury. Workers’ compensation in California aims to protect you and your family. It is best to understand the types of injuries covered and know your rights. Doing so allows you to navigate the process confidently and focus on your recovery.

For more on workers’ compensation in California, visit Daniel Weltin Law Offices at our office in San Leandro, California. Call (510) 319-1904 to schedule an appointment today.

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